Saturday, 11 February 2012

Sorrow & pain

Look up to the skies
for the answers you seek
Again that deep despise
your future so bleak

Feel that utter pain
let it burn in your chest
your cries are in vain
merely hoping for the best

Wonder if anyone listens
you fight for this day
watch as it glistens
whilst you wilt away

Bleed out the sorrow
your heart so black
slowly turn to tomorrow
then embark the same track


  1. your poems speak of your love for music and symmetry.

    although i am not much into rhyming couplets, you have made very good use of them.

    keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks so much. I never used to be a fan either and incapable of putting them together but this is just what seems to flow when I put pen to paper :)
